March and April has passed very quickly and full of events. This time there is a joint summary with the most important highlights of the two months.
- In March we enjoined the visit from Marti. Besides business, knowledge and best practice sharing we had time for a lunch with some of our colleagues, dinner and fun. I really enjoyed her visits, and together with the team we tried to make her staying as remarkable as possible.
- It was a nice coincidence that while I was writing about “Sakura”, Marti just spent a week in Tokyo. The picture about Fuji gives back the calmness of the country and the cherry blossom shows some parallel experiences in our lives :).
- I tried to find relax by running; we just had Vivicitta in Budapest. I have also proceeded with the preparation for El Camino. The travel to Saint Jean Pied de Port is already fixed, but concerning the back trip I have no clue yet. My life is getting more and more complicated and I still don’t know how to proceed. I hope that during the El Camino I will get rid of the chaos and find the right answers.
- As I was informed, Marti is nowadays in full time holiday mood. She was in Antalya in one of the weekends, spent 2 beautiful days under the sun & umbrella. Also she spent 3 days in Bodrum where they have a summer house. I was recommended to visit Bodrum especially in season time which is from April till October.